Hey there! I'm Dana Zavurov

UX/UI Designer

Research | UX/UI Design

Escape Room App

Meet EscaPro: An application that handles the entire process of searching, booking, and personal tracking of escape rooms, including special features such as room comparison, badges, and a “surprise me” button.

Research | UX/UI Design

Mishloha Digital

As part of my role at Mishoha Digital, I had the incredible opportunity to redesign the company’s portfolio, showcasing the stunning websites designed by the studio.

Link to website: mishloha.digital

UI Design | UX Research & Improvments

Smart Home App

A smart home app, featuring a functional yet innovative design with a strong focus on user interactivity and captivating visual content.

UI Design

2 Apps Baby

What if Strauss+ and Yad2 had a baby? combined Yad2’s design (UI) with Strauss+’s functionality (UX), resulting a new unique app.